23 November 2010

targul de carte - prima parte/book market - first part

Nu ma asteptam ca romanii sa fie asa dornici de a cumpara carti ...  asa ca ora pe care vroiam sa o petrec acolo s-a transformat in 4 ore. Multa lume si multe carti interesante si nu numai ..

I didn’t expected then Romanian people to be so wishful to buy books … so the hour that I wanted to spend to book market became 4 hours. I found there many peoples and many interesting books and this it’s not all …

Romani de care trebuie sa fim mandrii: / Romanian people for whom we must be proud:
Maia Morgenstern

Ana Blandiana

o mare de oameni  innotand printre miile de carti / a lot of people through a thousand of books

SF cu fundita / SF with ribbon

 doamne care-si intregeau colectiile /  ladies that round up their collections

si domni care au venit hotarati sa cumpere multe carti / and gentlemen that came prepared to buy many books:

si carti pt toate buzunarele / and books for all pockets


  1. Foarte frumos :)! Cărţi :x!

  2. un reportaj facut pe placul meu...! nu am reusit sa merg desi mi-sa fi dorit sa ajung la standul Ad Libri ...la dl Florin Andreescu..!

  3. @Feri: multumesc foarte mult ! :-)

